Commissioning a scratch built model.

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Steven Ford
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Commissioning a scratch built model.

Post by Steven Ford »

I have a purely personal project that I do not have the skills to undertake but for which I would be willing to pay a reasonable sum.
Is there anyone on the forum who might be willing to discuss the project in greater detail? Does anyone know someone in the UK who might be approached?

The project is a 4x4 woody shooting brake to be built on a modified off-the-shelf RC chassis. These images are intended to be initial ideas and not the final item.

Robert Reid
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Re: Commissioning a scratch built model.

Post by Robert Reid »

In the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa is Montgomery's 'Woody' some-time used command car.

I don't know all the details, but it was an interesting exhibit. It strongly resembles your bespoke request.

Very neat project!



Robert Reid
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Re: Commissioning a scratch built model.

Post by Robert Reid »

I am sorry, not Montgomery's... Alexendar's!



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Adrian Harris
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Re: Commissioning a scratch built model.

Post by Adrian Harris »

Looks like a Morris Traveller rear ended a White Scout Car !

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Robert Reid
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Re: Commissioning a scratch built model.

Post by Robert Reid »

Here are some images of the Ford Scout Car in the Canadian War Museum.... Canadian Ford. Highly-modified. Kidding aside, this is very similar, I think, to what the OP is looking for. And has a very important WW2 Northern Africa history.

I can very much see wanting one. But it is something of a daunting project for a one-off. Not that it isn't worthy! Everything is worthy!



Again, extremely interesting project in concept. It' s probably beyond my skills to create, but there are a lot of very talented folks among our ranks.

Something to try and make... for sure! Bet someone wants to take up the challenge!



Steven Ford
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Re: Commissioning a scratch built model.

Post by Steven Ford »

Thanks for the contributions Robert and Adrian.

Adrian - you are almost completely correct - it is my first car (Morris 1000 Traveler) and my one time hobby car (International Half Track M14). The whole confection being built on, originally, a Hummer H1 chassis. When the Lottery numbers come up I'll be going for a custom length Ibex chassis with Dana axles and an all electric drive train featuring YASA/xTrac combined motor and transmission.

In the meantime I thought an RC model would be the next best thing.

Boys and their toys...

My son has just had a rush of blood to the head and bought himself an Aston and is now like a dog with two tails.

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