Tiger 88mm

Forum for discussion relating to Tiger 1, Mid, Early, Late Production and Sturmtiger
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Ray Brown
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Tiger 88mm

Post by Ray Brown »

G'day Guys. After some clarification. 3 pics of Tiger main gun. 3 different Tigers. Pic 3 is from a late production. Given the end of the war drawing closer and the requirement to speed production, were the main guns manufactured as pic 3 to speed up production?

It's interesting to note that anything was possible in WW2 and that the internet has made these things easier to research.

Tiger 131 breech
Tiger 131 breech
Tiger 712 breech
Tiger 712 breech
Tiger 1 Late located in some reserve/park.
Tiger 1 Late located in some reserve/park.

Ray Brown
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Re: Tiger 88mm

Post by Ray Brown »

Well I must say I'm surprised no-one has any opinion or information regarding the different tiger breeches.


colin fairweather
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Re: Tiger 88mm

Post by colin fairweather »

hi ray

I was going to reply at first but thought someone would have jumped on it amazed no one replied either at a guess I would say that all later production built would have had the later breech only but when they first came into production I don't know if an early mid gun was damaged maybe it would be changed to the late type but I would think not :? easier to just stick with early mid round breech / late square breech

colin :)

2003 first batch tiger 1 mid still fiddling with it

2006 222 SOLD

2009 pzr111 046 SOLD

Ray Brown
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Re: Tiger 88mm

Post by Ray Brown »

G'day Colin. Thanks. That's what I decided on too.


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Paul Wills
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Re: Tiger 88mm

Post by Paul Wills »

Hi Ray,

Only just seen your post whilst scanning through. I am surprised the Kent or Per haven't answer you question. Like Colin I am not sure, but would imagine that is was a replacement!

Paul. :wink:
9 kp pz gren div grossdeutschland Tiger A23, Sd.Kfz. 7 half-track Artl Reg 146 (mot), 16.Infanterie-Division (mot). Flak 36 88mm, Erg-Zug Flak-Stammbatterie Augsburg. King Tiger & Pak41

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