All I have accomplished in all these years are a few Arduinos on order and I just got started reading "getting started with Arduino".
The plan is to use them to control the smoker and cooling fans, but if it goes well there are probably other things that could be animated just because it is possible. I will have to think of something...
I use PICAXE and Arduino boards for everything, as there are different sizes, speeds and voltages to suit all functions. The smaller ones can be built into transmitters and larger ones into the vehicles themselves.
I find I can only write the code once I have a fully formed idea in mind, and can then generate the code to undertake that particular function.
Once you get used to the possibilities and limitations, you start to expand your understanding of what can be achieved.
Having done some animatronic stuff with the Arduino, I would now always use one of the Pololu Maestro boards to control the servos and use the Arduino to control the Pololu.
It is amazing how many different options there are now and how cheap the stuff is. I'm on the look out for some sort of mechanical simulator so I can play with syncing motion, sounds and lights for recoil, machine gun etc. If not that then maybe mockup with the small servos I've got knocking about.
I'm afraid I misused the word "animatronics". I didn't realise that only related to life like robots"
Maybe this is of use?
I've been reading about the control module TVC-MF-10 HT1 from SGS that has a lot of the desired functions and can be use in 1/6 tanks in conjuction with their TVC-B30 30a dual speedcontroller. Looks impressive and affordacble. Site is in german though.
____________________________________________________________________________________ Interested in animatronics for your tank? Contact me at | See examples at