Tiger-1 road wheels

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Simon Marc Robinson
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Tiger-1 road wheels

Post by Simon Marc Robinson »

Hi Guys
Quick question
The tires for the Tiger-1 road wheels, do they just push on or do the need to be glued in place ??

Last edited by Simon Marc Robinson on Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:16 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Tiger-1 road wheels

Post by michaelthompson »

Loctite grade 410 (a rubber reinforced cyano super glue). an alternative is Scotch weld RT300B. These must be kept refrigerated,and will gap fill.

This is taken from the Official Technical Advice from Armortek

you can also look at this link on the knowledge base

http://www.armortek.co.uk/Forum3b/viewt ... =34&t=5817

Hope this helps

Simon Marc Robinson
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Re: Tiger-1 road wheels

Post by Simon Marc Robinson »

Noted, thanks..

John Hill
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Re: Tiger-1 road wheels

Post by John Hill »

Hi Simon, this is what i did to fit my cent tyres. I did try two of the return wheels with epoxy and decided the loctite 480 was easier to use. I masked off the area to glue and finished painted the wheels. Roughed up the wheel and the inside of the tyre with 40 grit sandpaper. Doing this by hand produces a random scratch direction rather than the rotary scratches if you get if done under power. It takes a bit longer, but worth doing. Apply a wiggle of 480 and spread with a wood spatula so that the glue wets the entire surface. It takes a few goes to get the right amount of glue. Too much is messy and too little and you risk a dry bond.
Applying the 480
Applying the 480
Push the tyre on from the outside of the wheel ( the side that will show ) so that any surplus glue is expelled at the back. Take care to align the tyre with the wheel as there is very little time for adjustment. Gloves are a must as 480 is about as easy to remove as a tatto
Too much glue !
Too much glue !
I found I could buy 6 large jubilee clips for the price of a packet of ty-wraps. Ty-wraps only apply pressure to a narrow band in the centre of the tyre and if overtightened will cause the tyre to lift at the edges. As well as the clip I rolled a band of thin aluminium to fit the tyre with a joggle where it overlaps. Great care is needed not to apply too much pressure when tightening the clip, just enough to hold the tyre firm.
Band and jubilee clip in place
Band and jubilee clip in place
For the return tyres I made a wooden clamp to hold 4 wheels, happen to have a holesaw that produced a 68 mm hole.
Return roller clamp
Return roller clamp
It took couple of goes to get the right amount of glue and just enough pressure with the clip. I used one and a half 20mg tubes to do all the cent wheels. I will use the same method on my next build.
Hope this is of use John

Simon Marc Robinson
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Re: Tiger-1 road wheels

Post by Simon Marc Robinson »

Thanks for all the detail.

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