Iacopo's Panzer III, a new and first adventure for me.

Forum for discussion relating to the Panzer III/StuG III
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Re: Iacopo's Panzer III, a new and first adventure for me.

Post by simon_manning »

well done iacopo, a lot of hard work but what a result, perfect! great build, regards simon manning.

Iacopo Di Giampietro
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Re: Iacopo's Panzer III, a new and first adventure for me.

Post by Iacopo Di Giampietro »

Good morning everyone and thank you for the kind comments.
Unfortunately the photos are loaded automatically on Photobucket and I have not been able to adjust the size of the images ... :roll:
I hope that the problem will soon be solved on the Forum. :wink:
Have been added to the latest details on the hull of the wagon, as the rear hooks:




Well, now we can say that behind is complete!


All the pieces were stained with color polyurethane primer:




At the end of the various pieces have been assembled.
Doors, gutters, commander's cupola and rear body:





And finally the blessing of Don Zauker, before leaving the workshop! :D :mrgreen:





Now all that remains is the final painting ...
See you soon!
Good weekend to everyone! :wink:

Stephen White
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Re: Iacopo's Panzer III, a new and first adventure for me.

Post by Stephen White »

Beautiful, Iacopo, one of the best. You must be very pleased. Have you a particular set of markings in mind? It would be great to see a bit of history with your model. Now you will be in that happy position of not knowing quite when it's finished. There's always a temptation to do a bit more.

Thanks for sharing your build.


Iacopo Di Giampietro
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Re: Iacopo's Panzer III, a new and first adventure for me.

Post by Iacopo Di Giampietro »

Many thanks Stephen!
Do not hide the fact that the construction of this tank was very long and laborious, but also rewarding! I tried to recreate as much detail as possible, on the basis of my knowledge and ability ....
The tank that I want to represent, will be a tank of Panzer-Kompanie (FKL) 313, created on january 1943, and equipped with ten Panzer III command and control tank.
One peculiarity was the identification alphanumeric painted on the turrets: a large "F" Appeared in front of the turret numeral.
In June 1943 the company was used during the Battle of Kursk.
At the end of December the AHA ordered the Panzer-Kompanie (FKL) 313 incorporated into Schwere Panzer-abteilung 508 as the 3. / Schwere Panzer Abteilung 508.

I hope to update you soon! :wink:

David Gray
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Re: Iacopo's Panzer III, a new and first adventure for me.

Post by David Gray »

hi Lacopo , I agree with Steven one of the best I have seen it looks great
I know what you mean about a long and laborious build I have been at mine for five years
I have nearly given up a few times , if mine turns out any where near yours and Stevens
I will be happy , very well done
David gray :D

Andrea Daviero
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Re: Iacopo's Panzer III, a new and first adventure for me.

Post by Andrea Daviero »

Andrea Daviero (Andrew)

Iacopo Di Giampietro
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Re: Iacopo's Panzer III, a new and first adventure for me.

Post by Iacopo Di Giampietro »

But who is that shady character bearded and mustachioed ... following the tank during its first steps? :shock: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
You have not resisted, right Andrew? :lol:

Andrea Daviero
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Re: Iacopo's Panzer III, a new and first adventure for me.

Post by Andrea Daviero »



Andrea Daviero (Andrew)

Iacopo Di Giampietro
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Re: Iacopo's Panzer III, a new and first adventure for me.

Post by Iacopo Di Giampietro »

Good morning everyone.

Great news for my Panzer III.
Finally the tank received his new suit, and thanks to the skilful hands of my friend Luca Fossa (expert on Armortek's tanks and great painter), now can show off his final three tones camo!
Needless to say that the photos do not do justice to the tank, which is now virtually complete at 99%: just missing a couple of details to be finished.

Hope you like!
To you the photos!













A heartfelt thanks not only to Luca, but also to my dear friend Andrea Daviero who helped me in this beautiful adventure.

Until next time!

Iacopo Di Giampietro
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Re: Iacopo's Panzer III, a new and first adventure for me.

Post by Iacopo Di Giampietro »

Goodmorning everyone.
Despite the lack of interest that it has had, I return to reopen the topic on my Panzer III to update you on the work performed.
As you could see from some photos and videos posted by Andrea Daviero, my panzers hung slightly forward.
So I had to remove the hull and proceed with a new recording of the suspension.




And After:



By the time of maintenance, I took the opportunity to add further details and tools that were still missing.



arranged the tow ropes, a chain to stop jerry cans:


The chain was then stopped with a padlock.


Since I was there, a second lock was put to lock the service door of funklenk rear body.



Finally, the mufflers have been suitably aged:



We prepare a couple of German helmets:



One we put it in the turret, with a water bottle:



The second we put it back on the can holder:


Well, it's all for now! See you next time! :wink:

Stephen White
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Re: Iacopo's Panzer III, a new and first adventure for me.

Post by Stephen White »

Iacopo, I've long admired your Pz III and I know how much work has gone into it. It's one of the most impressive builds on this Forum. Congratulations. Your work did not go unnoticed by the judges at the TankMOD exhibition at the weekend. With David's winning model on show, the Pz III has shown that it rewards the detailed approach you took and there are some very high quality models out there. It would be wonderful to see them together. Thank you for taking the trouble to share the build with us, it's been very interesting to see.

With best regards


David Brady
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Re: Iacopo's Panzer III, a new and first adventure for me.

Post by David Brady »


I've been watching with great interest. Lots of modifications,realistically finished one of the best I've seen

Kind Regards


Iacopo Di Giampietro
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Re: Iacopo's Panzer III, a new and first adventure for me.

Post by Iacopo Di Giampietro »

Thank you all.
Stephen, I certainly am not referring to you, that you were one of the few that has always followed and encouraged / inspired in my building.
I just noticed that no one had commented on the new three-tone camo dress of my Panzer III: The post has been standing there for several months .... that was it. :wink:
Thanks again for your kind words.

PS: about the contest .... maybe next time! :wink: :lol: :mrgreen:

See you soon.

Christian Steinhauer
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Re: Iacopo's Panzer III, a new and first adventure for me.

Post by Christian Steinhauer »

Hello Lacopo,

"Despite the lack of interest that it has had..", you are kidding. I'm following
your build, with interest and I am very impressed. The number of posts is not
an indication for interest. :wink:
Have fun building, Kind regards

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Re: Iacopo's Panzer III, a new and first adventure for me.

Post by simon_manning »

iacopo this is one of the best panzer 111 builds out there, impressive and thoughtfully created. regards simon manning.

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