Great to see someone making a start on their StuG III kit on the Armortek Forum.
Looking good from what I can see on your pics.
I hope to make a start on my own StuG someday soon!
Keep up the good work, looking forward to seeing more of your build.
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Hi Steven,
I'll getting a Stug III also. Hopefully order will be finalised tomorrow. This is my first post on the forums and I'm keen for any info on building my Stug. Your project looks to be going well. I've never built anything like one of these models so its unknown waters but you only live once.
I'd be interested in any painting advice you have. You look to have painted yours prior to build. The sand colour looks good. Do you have any details on paint type etc I imagine you applied a primer first? Was it done with a brush or sprayed?
Your build seems to be the only one I've found so far on the forum so I'll be following closely. I also have decided to get all the extras to make it fully mobile.
Can't wait for my kit to show up in Oz.
I spraypaint all parts with an etchprimer prior to assembly. Then I add a coat of basepaint to it, since some areas would be hard to reach afterwards. I'm continuing with the running gear atm afterwhich a couple of miles of weldbeads are going on the modell which will then get another coat of sandyellow.
Hi Steven,
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you.
We worked out that etch primer was particularly useful for aluminium however well after we'd started our priming. The paint on the Aluminium parts such as the fighting compartment roof would just flake off when using regular primer. It didn't seem to be a problem with steel.
I'm about to start a forum about our build hoping we can get some help to finish. We're currently stuck with the suspension.
I spray all the metal parts with etch primer prior to assembly once I am happy with fit.
Use a mask while spraying. Especially etch primer. Etch primer contains an acid which creates the bond to the metal. Upol is best i've used. Different types of metal touching can cause corrosion so best to make sure the contact points sre etch primed.
Thanks for the reply John.
We are first time builders (my wife Penny and myself). We started late July. I've promised myself we'll start our forum for the 014 build this weekend. We've documented any issues we've had so they may help other builders. We're currently working on the suspension at the moment having done the fighting compartment, rear deck and return rollers prior to that. Someone might even pick an error up from one of our photos.
We're hoping to have the main build close to finished by xmas. Then the accessories challenge can start.
Due to professional engagements I haven't been able to continue working on the StuGIII and only managed to patch up my T34-85. I use an etch primer as well from VHT for priming al components before adding a base coat of dark yellow.