I have had a few requests to make another run of the fan guards for the Panther's rear deck. These are the large, round exhaust fan guards and not the rectangular intake grills. I'm posting to gauge interest as I wasn't going to make these again due to lack of interest. However, if there is renewed interest and enough people would like them, It's better for everyone as price is dependent on the quantity (the more the better).
These are made from a high-impact material and very sturdy. If I remember right, the hole patter requires little or no modification to your existing deck.
Should there be enough interest, I will have them quoted and let everyone interested know the price per set plus shipping to their location. I know it's kind of backwards but in the past, I have made many parts to get the price down on them and then I am left with parts sitting on my shelves due to lack of follow through "interest".. I would like to avoid that with pre-payment once we have a firm quantity/price on these.

Shown mounted with Mike Stannard's mesh screens added

Note: the top opening diameter was dimensioned from a real one and is slightly smaller then the kit supplied guard. If ordering screens from Mike, you will need to let him know.
please let me know via email or PM