Hi Guys
Final update on current orders. All outstanding orders that were able to ship have been mailed. I only have 6 complete orders left to fill which contain back order parts and 30 orders that have been mailed without the back order parts.
I plan to complete back order parts by the end of July, sooner if possible, but it is dependent on how quick the photo-etch company can turn the parts around.
Update on Tiger 1 and 2 Muzzle Brake. Masters are almost complete and will be finished tomorrow, I will be making the casting molds in the next two days, should be casting parts over the weekend and making up the barrel rifle plugs for them.
As stated in my last update I now have a assistant working for me, over the last 4 months we have been able to complete all orders, as mentioned above, and have restocked product bins. I now have over 90% of my catalog parts that are ready for shipping and can deliver orders in less than two weeks for kits, orders with assembled parts may take longer.
The only parts I do not have in stock are listed below. These are either large photo-etched sets or parts that have work to be done on them before being put into production.
Parts not in stock. These require a special order. Can take up to two months to delivery.
TT32-K Tiger 1 Turret Stowage Bin (Bin Lids shaped and assembled) as a kit $375.00
Pan01-Pan10-K Panther Set Parts Pan01 to Pan10 as a Kit $650.00
Pan01-Pan08-K Jagdpanther Set Parts Pan01 to Pan08 as a Kit $600.00
Pan01-BP-K Bergepanther Set Parts Pan01 to Pan07, Pan10 and PanBP as a Kit $650.00
DECK01 6” x 12” Nickel Silver Diamond Pattern $60.00
DECK02 6” x 12” Nickel Silver Squared Separated ‘T’ Pattern $60.00
DECK03 6” x 12” Nickel Silver Dot Pattern $60.00
DECK05 6” x 12” Nickel Silver US Pattern $60.00
Parts not in stock due to still being in production stage.
TT52-K Tiger 1 Blowtorch Heater and Tray as a Kit $45.00
TT53-K Tiger 2 Blowtorch Heater and Tray as a Kit $45.00
TT55-K Tiger 2 Rear Mudguards as a Kit $180.00
TT56-K Tiger 1 Late and Tiger 2 Muzzle Brake Kit $150.00
Pan30-K Panther Blowtorch Heater and Tray as a Kit $45.00
SGIIIT08-K ‘C’ Shackles Set of Two (Ausf Late G) $33.00
SGIIIT16L-K Cleaning Rod Four Piece Alum Ends Kit ( Ausf F8-G) $40.00
Gent032K KW Cold Start For all tanks, half-tracks and vehicles as a kit Not Yet Priced
I have had to lay off my assistant this week as I have no work for him, so a few orders will help to keep him employed. I know many of you have not been happy with my deliver times in the past couple of years. The assistant has enabled me to improve my production of parts for orders and I do not want to lose him. He has also allowed me spare time to work on projects, for example the new KW MG34 mounts and weapon racks and now I have time to work on the back order parts.
Here is my new guarantee, orders containing kit parts only will be shipped in less than two weeks from date of payment received, if the order does not contain special order parts listed above. If I do not meet this shipping deadline I will give you a 25% credit of your order to be applied to your next purchase or a 15% refund. This will apply to all orders under $1000.00. Orders larger than this or contain assembled parts I cannot guarantee a two week shipping deadline.