StuG III Ausf G "Waffle Plates"

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Ian Rodney
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StuG III Ausf G "Waffle Plates"

Post by Ian Rodney »

Hi Mark & Gill,

Great news to read that you are bringing out the King Tiger II again, especially the new StuG III Ausf G version.

Before I seriously consider ordering up one of your latest StuG III kits!

I want to ask will there be any additional "Waffle Plates" to go along with the StuG III.
Just like what was with the Panzer 4 kit!..or was it 5?


from Glasgow, Scotland

Ian Rodney
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Re: StuG III Ausf G "Waffle Plates"

Post by Ian Rodney »

Sorry Mark & Gill,

I think I have made a mistake in saying that Armortek had offered "Waffle Plates" (Side Skirts) along with your Panzer 4 kit!...I got caught with thinking that you did, but it was other Armortek members that had made their own plates the PZ4.

So I'm guessing then that there would be no side skirts offered with your newest StuG III ausf G kit then!


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Re: StuG III Ausf G "Waffle Plates"

Post by Armortek »

Hello Ian

We are not including the side skirts with the kit. The skirts are easy to do, but the mounting rails and brackets are complex. They could not be done realistically at a reasonable cost. I believe that Dave Dibb at Armorpax has these items (and a vast selection of other super detail parts for the Stug).

I must admit that my own experience of running any of these models, is that these side plates soon come off for cleaning, or because of damage etc. They rarely get put back on, and do cover up a lot of detail.


Ian Rodney
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Re: StuG III Ausf G "Waffle Plates"

Post by Ian Rodney »

Hi Mark,

Thank you for your informative reply and some good reasons why these side plates would cover up lot's of details behind them, and probably be a dam nuisance after a while, taking them off and on to clean behind the running gear too etc....

I will take your expert advice and contact Dave Dibb at Armorpax and see what other items he has from his vast selection of detailed parts on the StuG III.

I would say that this new kit the StuG III Ausf G is a good choice, even if I voted for a Panzer II, maybe I could get luck again next time we all put forward our choices of what new kits Armortek brings out late next year!

And I undertand why the choice of the StuG III was picked seeing you already have the chases of the Panzer III already out there, to which I have one, and think it's a great kit to build, and I thank you for that designing it!

And to finish off by saying I'm going to put in a order for one StuG ausf G kit, through the usual ordering process channels.

Kind regards


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