Hello Phil, thank you for your reply. Cosy, cosy, you are all set up for the Winter period. We all need these warm 'tank' building rooms, to escape to.
You will no doubt see I am looking to sell the Comet. I am in dispute with her 'Ladyship' regarding the use of the dinning room....presently home to one part built Jagdpanther and the said, Comet. In order to purchase the Jadg' I offered to sell one tank in the new year.....so, the time is fast approaching.
Question Time: I am presently working on the Jagdpanther main gun. The instructions say, 'fit the upper and lower pivots to the gun mount CH0473 using the slew pivots Ch0476. The gun mount holes are not 'threaded'. My guess is, and it is a guess, that the gun mount should have threads already tapped. If this correct, I can have a go at tapping these holes.
So, should they be tapped and at what M size,????