6th Scale Icons Phase two of reorganization.

Armortek owners can buy and sell 1/6 scale accessories and detail parts. note: Armortek does not necessarily endorse these products and can accept no liability for contractual disputes
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Mike Stannard (toyrific)

6th Scale Icons Phase two of reorganization.

Post by Mike Stannard (toyrific) »

The large shelf units at the back of the shop are in 6 foot and 4 foot sections, the 4 foot sections nearest the back wall will be moved to the second shop and the 6 foot seconds moved against the wall. This will give me another 120 square feet of floor space in the main shop.




The second shop of which I have 550 square feet will be used basically as storage to free up space in the main shop. This will not be done for at least 2 months.




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