Hi Dennis
its realy coming along nicely good to see your posts ,its going to look great when its all finished and painted ,very nice job.
all the best ,,,,,,,,,nick
Thanks for the kind comments. Hopefully we will have the full set up and running by next week, showing a tank being loaded, truck driven and then tank being unloaded. Hope to get it video'd.
Not a brilliant video, outfit still in primer. No sound on truck yet but it will be down at Tankfest. At least it shows what we are hoping to achieve. Click on photo to start video.
Hi Dennis
That looks great it seems to have no trouble pulling the panzer111 at all and turns nice as well loaded or not very impresive congratulations on a brilliant model .VERY WELL DONE . All the best ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,nick
Hi All
The Diamond T was at Bovingdon yesterday and was every bit as impressive in real life as on the forum!
The weather yesterday turned out well, so fingers crossed for today for all attending, it was a good event
Some more photos. Now Tankfest is over it is time to get down and finish off the painting and other bits and pieces. It cerainly came in handy at Tankfest as I rescued two broken tanks that had gone walkabout on the Bovvy site (one of them being my own Comet). It also as you can see from the photos loaded a King Tiger and towed it without any problem. All the problems we thought we would have with traction on grass did not happen and all ran smoothly. I think people were impressed as it was something different and were loading and unloading tanks remotely all weekend. Had several people come up to talk who actually drove the Diamond T during their forces career.
Yes, after all the stress of building I need recovering, that was the wife with the camera (she and the neighbours thought it was quite amusing) as she had just been up the end of the road to photograph the Olympic Torch going past. That is a Diamond T and the same model as ours only we won't have the machine gun ring above the co-drivers seat. A clever bit of driving I think in that video.