For all of you Panther builders I would like you to know about this German Panther web site.
The best on the web if you ask me, is all in German language

Any how it is full of photos and if needed there is always the AltaVista translation site

One other thing I would like to tell you about is how amazed I am looking at all those Armortek Tigers and no one has consider to take care of the very special surface look of German armor plates

In the smaller 1:35 scale it is no problem and common practice to fix it (described how to do in various books) but here in 1/6th no one bother - so I better change that...............
At my on going Hetzer build I had the same problem but in smaller areas as the kit is a plastic/metal one with the surface taken care on the plastic parts.
How I did is described here: ... c.php?t=66
And the result looked like this:

BIG difference from the far to smooth kit steel surface!
The look on the real 1:1 Panther:

And how it looks on a 1:16th Panther
(not my 1:6th! - photos taken from the German web I told you above)

I will do an Early Panther with zimmerit but I will do this armor surface on areas left without zimm (around tools, turret escape hatch and decks)
Hope this inspired some of you to do this
