Derek Attree wrote:
The change of colour might look great but be careful as
you maybe changeing the temper of the pins and they may be
softer and not last as well.
Hi Derek,
Yes I was a bit concerned about that so I did a test first.
Heated one pin and after cooling bended it left/right and did the same with a "normal" pin.
They both broke at the same number of bending, not rocket science I know
but I think they don´t get harmed from the heat.
After all it isn´t glowing them with a torch just some warming them up a bit.
It is tempting to do the same with the torsion bars as the color is spot on the real thing but will pass on this.
Don´t dare to jeopardy their twisting ability.
And now to something comlpetely different...
Today something I dare to say no one has ever done before…
I admit this is so close to insane but I blame “too much knowledge” and the fact that if I didn’t do it I would later regret that decision.
So let the laughs be all on me and here we go:
It is about detailing the two CH0107, pannier floors.
For you readers not familiar what they are here is a photo:
It is the horizontal armor plates facing the tracks, probably never noticeable especially when the side skirts are attached.
But this is an “all in-build” and I will probably exclude the skirts so on we go…
The pannier floors had a lot of details and was all but a smooth flat surface.
There were plenty of drain holes located under the air intake- and fan armor guards, and there was 8/side plugs for threaded holes.
The early Ausf G had its pannier floors made from two plates joined with a weld.
Please note the welding direction and that the plugs for threaded holes had varied space between them.
Here is a photo showing the air holes and a plug for the threaded holes on a real Panther.
The drain holes was drilled with a 2,5mm drill right threw the plates.
Yes I know this want make the hull waterproof but I am not building a boat, nor will I ever drive my Panther in deep water if I can avoid it.
The plugs for threaded holes were made of 6mm aluminium tubes and 2,5mm screws glued + epoxy in place.
And the end result (loose fitted just for the photo)
To increase the insanity I did also give them the rolled steel treatment…
More will be said about the color of this hull plates and all the welds later on in this saga.
As always thanks for watching.