Machine gun

Forum for Armortek Owners to Meet, chat and share knowledge. You are advised to check 'official advice' before carrying out any modifications.
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Brian Leach
Posts: 363
Joined: Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:15 pm
Location: Auburn, Wa USA
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Machine gun

Post by Brian Leach »

Hi folks,

On a whim I sent an email to ABER.

I thought some of you may find it interesting.

Here is the email:


Dear Brian,

Thank you for your e-mail.

Yes, it is possible . It is very good idea.

Every three month we issue new sets, so it is good idea for New Year 2011.

Thank you!

Best regards,

ABER team


From: Brian Leach []
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 9:08 PM
Subject: Wiadomość ze strony internetowej

Wiadomość ze strony www

Imie: Brian Leach
Adres zwrotny:

Treść wiadomości:

Good Morning. Is is possible that you will produce 1/6 scale German WWII machine guns? There is a growing 1/6th community and quality MGs and other equiptment would be eagerly received. MGs for the Armortek tanks would be very useful. Thank you

Reasonable people act reasonably!

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