
Forum for discussion relating to the Comet
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robert michael hilton
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Post by robert michael hilton »

Having spoken to Gill/Mark the links are, facing the wrong way....I can't believe the trouble I have taken to get this part of the build correct....only to screw it up....hey ho....on we go. :oops:


phil fitzpatrick
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Post by phil fitzpatrick »

Hi Mick
Yes Its a bit bright and blurred but I think they are the wrong way round.
Page 21 in your Armor photogallery book is the clearest to look at.
If you look at one link at the Idler end(photo 113)the flat the forms an "L"
points up and the bit where the pin goes in on that link is at the bottom.
So at the top run the flat "L" will be pointing towards your rear and the
bottom run it points forward.
Hope this helps.
Keep up the good work

phil fitzpatrick
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Post by phil fitzpatrick »

Hi Mick
I forgot to add to my reply above,that I will be changing my track pins to
be facing with the big head on the inside.
The reason is if you look at photo 122 and 123 in your new book you will
see that the fastener looks to be on the outside of the track,although it looks
as though it is a "C" clip in a groove,you can see the gap on a few of them.
Picture 126 and 127 also show the big head to be on the inside of the track.
Looking at the Shepton Photo's of the proto type that Mark did you can see
the big heads on the inside.
Its personal choice though at the end of the day because you will have the
split pins showing on the outside,see what you think when you study the
pictures in the book.
But when I take my tracks off I will alter mine then,thought I would let
you know so you dont curse me if I confuse you :)

robert michael hilton
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Post by robert michael hilton »

Thanks Phil...all understood regarding the tank tracks.

With reference to the correct way/or not, to fit the track pins, Mark has also explained this situation. I think it's a personal preference, as you say, either way would be acceptable.... no problem.

I will correct and relocate my tracks before proceeding with the 'Options', pack. I have a 'phobia' about leaving identified problems unresolved. I have a bad habit of forgetting these issues and not going back to them, do it now.

My batteries, from Hardware Express ( with discount, next day delivery) are on charge. My Futaba radio is on charge....the modules/motors etc,. are all laid out on the work bench ready to test....all is well with my on my time of life it doesn't get much better. :) mick

Dennis Jones
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Post by Dennis Jones »

I always put mine with the heads of the pins on the outside because then if a split pin comes off or breaks on the inside you will see the pin start to work it's way out and it won't jam the tracks. As you say all a matter of taste.


robert michael hilton
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Post by robert michael hilton »

Nice idea I will be taking the tracks off, to reverse them, what are you Comet lads using as a paint finish for your tracks.
I have a U-Pol undercoat on mine and will be looking for a fresh/new turnout, rather than a frontline fighting model. Mainly, because I have no experience whatsoever with 'weathering',and I am quite happy with an 'as new' build.
I was impressed with John's light weathering....I guess this is achieved with a 'fine' spray gun. I could probably match this with a little practice....or a lot of practice. As you know a standard aerosol sprays paint everywhere.

Next subject....I need to obtain a 12v charger, I have one which is many years old and only shows an 'on charge' I have to guess when the battery is 'full'....what are you all using/recommending. I have noted that the Power Supply Module will display a fully charged battery solid green Led on it's system.....mick

phil fitzpatrick
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Post by phil fitzpatrick »

Hi Mick
A charger that was recommended a lot on the Forum is the Accumate Pro
12volt/24volt and it comes with a permanent charge lead that you can fit to your battery bank.
See it at
Mine was £108.21 delivered,that was with £7.00 delivery and an extra
permanent lead which you might notice in my pictures brought out to the rear.
The webb site is as above but the company name on the site is
Shadowfax engineering in northampton,and just to confuse me my
invoice was Probike ltd.
But the full spec is on the webb adress above with a big yellow lable on
the front.

Dennis Jones
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Post by Dennis Jones »

Hi Mick.
Regards track weathering I am going to try a coat of gun metal paint by Tamiya. I will airbrush it on. I have tried a small section with a brush and it looks ok. I think the tracks need something to darken them down a bit.
Regards the 24 volt charger I bought one last year for the Panzer through Amazon cost me about £48 has 12/24 volt and high/low charge rate switches. Also has an ammeter. Used the Panzer quite a bit last year and didn't have any problems. I use a 4 pin plug and chassis mount socket from Maplin for charging. Connect 2 pins together to handle the current if needed.


robert michael hilton
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Post by robert michael hilton »

Thanks for the advice Phil and Dennis...I will have look at the recommended chargers....the power/electrics is not a strong point in my model motto is keep it simple, stupid. :lol:

Dennis, I have sprayed my spare tracks with Ford Graphite Grey Metallic car paint....they look super. So, I will have the main tracks off tomorrow, then spray with the above paint....and refit the correct way round. I am happy to have the final paint finish as good as it gets with aerosol cans. I know many modellers will frown at this, however I have to work within my limitations. I am truly in awe at the superb quality work presented on this Forum.

Thanks again, all advice gratefully received. I will post a photograph of my spare tracks....Mick

robert michael hilton
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Post by robert michael hilton »


Dennis Jones
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Post by Dennis Jones »

Hi Mick,

I might give that a try.


robert michael hilton
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Post by robert michael hilton »

Hello tank crew visited me today....I had to stop them climbing all over the Comet in their hob nail boots....insisted they wear their plimsolls. I will post a couple of photo's.

I need to repaint the inner hull 'aluminium', over the weekend before installing the batteries, etc,.

All being well, moving on to fitting the 'Options' next week. I have to say I am looking forward to this part of the build, although I need to be cautious.....I have read the instructions over and over, it all looks to be straightforward.

For me probably the most difficult section will be understanding the Futaba radio, and setting it prepare to be interrogated....mick

robert michael hilton
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Post by robert michael hilton »

Can you spot the twins... :wink:


robert michael hilton
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Post by robert michael hilton »

And units...


phil fitzpatrick
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Post by phil fitzpatrick »

The Commander and the Gunner I guess.
Mick you willl have to do something about the crews hands on parade
and get some more Bromide in the tea :lol: :oops:
Very smart

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