I decided it was time to post a couple of more pics, so here's an update on my build.
I milled the extra bolt length off of all the wheels. They do look much better after being cut down.
The next photo is the modified wheel hubs with the correct 5-bolt pattern and the slots cut to represent the three parts on the actual vehicle. The idler and sprocket hubs have had putty applied to simulate the casting effect.
I used the mill to cut the slots in the axles to ensure that the cuts were perfectly flat. I also made a jig to set the angle to 36 degrees for all the axles.
The completed axles are shown in the lower hull. I also made a modification to the two rear armor plates so that I can weld them in place instead of being attached to the upper rear hull plating.
I made a new rear plate so that I can quickly remove the entire rear hull deck without using any screws. Here I'm doing the initial cutting to size.
Here is my new removable rear hull deck plate after cutting all the holes for bolts and vents. One of the two new armor plates is visible in the lower right. They are secured with two #0 countersunk screws.