Panther Cupola Periscope Mounts - New T2 & PZIII Parts

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Mike Stannard (toyrific)

Panther Cupola Periscope Mounts - New T2 & PZIII Parts

Post by Mike Stannard (toyrific) »

Hi Guys

Here is a update on the Panther Cupola Periscope Mounts and the start of some new products for the future.

Firstly I will deal with the Panther Cupola, as you all know this has been a long time coming due to many things, but the one thing holding it up the most was the design of the periscope mounts. The first thing one has to figure out when designing a product is to find out how it works. At last I have figured it out, well as close as I can from pictures available. Basically the box mount is what holds the periscope in place and is removed with the periscope when it needs to be changed. The periscope sits in a hole at the top of the mount (see prototype pictures). The periscope and mounting box are inserted into the cupola and the bolt at bottom of the mount is tighten to hold the unit in place with the cam rod in the closed position. Once tight the lock nut above the holding bolt is tightened to lock the bolt in place. The reason for the cam rod is so that the periscope can be removed without having to loosen the holding bolt each time .Pulling the cam rod handle down releases the pressure on the plunger/holding bolt and the unit can be removed and the periscope replaced with ease.
Well that's how I think it works, anyone with more information are welcome to chip in, preferably before I make the photo-etched parts.

Periscope mounting box description.
1. Cam rod. This has some sort of off centered cam that pushes on the plunger to hold the unit in place.
2. Cam rod spring. This is some sort of spring brake to stop the cam rod from vibrating loose.
3. Cam housing.
4. Lock nut.
5. Holding bolt.
6. Cam rod handle.
7. Plunger housing.
8. Cam.
9. Holding bolt recess and rest.

Here are pictures of the prototype mounting box, this is hand made to test the workings and fit. The box came out a little oversize and will be reduced in width and height, the top will be angle at 15 degrees to match the angle of the periscope, the cam rod spring will be included as will the thickening plates on the inside walls of the box around the cam rod holes. The cam housing on this prototype has no detail. Some form of detail will be included in the production part. The holding bolt and lock nut will function and the cam rod will turn, but it is not possible to include the plunger. However by tightening to holding bolt the mounting box and periscope will be tightened against the periscope soft rubber gasket which will hold the unit in place. This is the best I can do. The prototype took around five hours to make, with photo-etched parts I hope to get this down to about 15 minutes per unit. Seven units adds about two hours to build time. Price of the cupola may increase once production is completed and I know how many hours each cupola takes to build. All those that have already paid will have no price increase. Estimated completion of cupolas, end of March.

Prototype mounting box fitted in cupola master.

Prototype mounting box and production periscope.

Prototype mounting box.

Panzer III new parts
During some research I found that the Panzer III 'S' Shackles are smaller than the ones on the Panzer IV which I have been offering for the Panzer III. Here is the new smaller correct size 'S' Shackle for the Panzer III. Those that have purchased the Panzer IV style I offered for the Panzer III will have them replaced free of charge.

Panzer III 'S' Shackle master. To be spun cast in white metal.

Panzer III Turret Air Vent. To be spun cast in white metal, with brass tube supports and off the shelf screws and nuts.
The outside 6 screws will be the mounting screws for the air vent, the 3 center screws will be casting into the top plate.

Tiger 2 Engine Grill Covers.
The thing that has been holding me up on these grills is finding the correct size mesh. Close to correct size mesh for the Tiger 2 is about 6 squares per inch in 6:Scale. I have found 6 mesh in the past, but the wire has always been to thick, around .035". I have just found 6 mesh in .020" which looks more in scale. There is a draw back that is stainless steel wire and hard to work with. No problem on the square/oblong grills, but hard to make the round grills with the correct design as the mesh was wrapped around a ring as shown in the sample below. The wire has a slight spring back which makes it difficult to bend it around the ring. I have experimented with a tool to do this, as bending each wire is a pain and very time consuming. The results of the first one out of the tooling is the sample below. Need to make some adjustments to the tooling as it came out a little to small. Once 1 have these perfected I will be offering the complete set of grills and the grill step plates.
Tiger 2 Round grill sample

More new parts to following over the next few weeks including the parts for the Panzer III many of you are waiting for.


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Post by simon_manning »

some very nice parts there mike,the periscopes "amazing",the grill covers,superb,ihope they fit a panther aswell, regards simon manning.

Fredrik Jorgensen
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Post by Fredrik Jorgensen »

Mike sign me up for the grillsguards. Both front and the rear ones i know you are working on as im tired of getting them wrong :).


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