Working U-shackles and Scale Chain

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Brown Hawkins
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Working U-shackles and Scale Chain

Post by Brown Hawkins »

Does anyone in the forum make or know if scale U-shackles that will take a load exist? Also, I'm looking for heavy scale chain (2-4 links/inch) to go with the u-shackles. I'm not going to try and pull a Tiger 1 out of the mud but need some actual strength for my application.


Fabrice Le Roux
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Post by Fabrice Le Roux »

Hi Brown,

I have spent quite a lot of time looking at the different sizes of chain available here in the UK for my ARV conversions. The strongest chain type in hardware stores is the welded link type. This does need the raised weld filed or dremelled off and the links repainted to look OK. However the thickness (as you say "gage") of the wire can look a bit thin. Boat chandlers also have good chain of thicker wire, usually zinc plated or stainless. The brightness of stainless can be disguised by grit blasting then heating up to dull red with a propane torch.

Steve Winstone's Tiger U shackles are outstanding and strongly cast, but I would not tow or lift a fully loaded Tiger by the model's lifting points as the aluminium hull side plates could crack or distort, probably not a warranty repair!

In the past, I have brazed up a couple of smaller U shackles and reworked some small boat type shackles. But they are not the weakest link, the hull fixing points are.

You can always PM me if you want a photo.
Cheers, Fabrice

Roland Mann
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Post by Roland Mann »

Hi Brown,

the real ones on the Tiger I are steel forgings and a standard as per DIN 82101. Surprisingly they are aviable down to very small ones. So I have used size 0,25 on my Tiger. Very strong and the week point is the hole in the hull as Fabrice said. However I have lifted my Tiger on two Schäkel and it was no Problem. The final result can be seen in my gallery.

The price for 6 pieces was € 12,00 plus p+p.

Best regards Roland
Der Weg ist das Ziel.

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