New kit parts fitted to Armortek Metal Cupola
First two kits listed are already in catalog.
TT37K4 Tiger 1 and 2 Cupola Periscopes Top Kit $60.00
TT37K5 Tiger 1 and 2 Cupola Periscopes Cover Kit $45.00
New kit not in catalog.
TT37K6 Tiger 1 and 2 Cupola Exterior Detail Kit $155.00
Not shown in picture are securing nuts and bolts and compression spring.
Here is a brief description of what is required to fit the kit.
All periscope holes have to be enlarged with square corners to fit periscopes.
Recess for hatch arm requires milling and drilling for arm to fit, also original slits for periscope covers will need filling as the replacement covers are a flush fit to surface of cupola.
Priscopes are glued in place with two spacers so exterior height of periscopes is correct.
Periscopes as they will appear on the exterior.
Periscope covers are glued in place central over each periscope.
Finished look of cupola.
Diagram of kit parts fitted to cupola. Nuts, bolts and compression spring supplied with kit.
For those that have noticed the hatch arm also requires milling, this will be done before kits are dispatched.
Please. Orders by e-mail only.