Ok this rain is beyond a joke now and it's been going for weeks

. Only upside is more tank building time. I've continued with using my mill and sometimes wonder how I ever did without it. Next jobs were fabricating machine gun ball servo arm, I drilled a hole in the centre so the ball would get full range in both directions and made a bolt from brass hex bar with a flat blade so the ball would not turn. I can still get the wires down the machine gun barrel for an LED.
Next for the periscope covers, I machined off a 10' angle on the back and soldered in the back plate.
I also had an issue with the back centre plate, once I bolted it down, the front plate would sit up 2mm, I was going to put a magnet and bracket in there but came up with a cooler idea of using the dome intake cover as a knob. Clockwise to lock it down and obviously anti clockwise to unlock.
Also have started to put some detail on the turret bin by cutting and gluing in rivets.