Muttley and tinys bridge

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Phil Woollard
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Re: Muttley and tinys bridge

Post by Phil Woollard »

Nice work me ol mate, keep the updates coming.
Last edited by Phil Woollard on Sun Feb 09, 2025 8:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Muttley and tinys bridge

Post by Mark Heaps »

Those ribands look fantastic. Would be interested in a set for myself.

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Steve Lewington
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Re: Muttley and tinys bridge

Post by Steve Lewington »

Hi Phil
Thank you for the lovely comment were hoping to get back at it next week as the little man is off school until Wednesday.

Hi Mark
The ribands are a good turn from Phil D and yes they are fantastic.
Give Phil a message he is a really nice guy at the end of the day if he has a lot on he can only say no.

Have a great Sunday

Steve and Tiny
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SdKfz 7 Half Track, 88mm Flak 36, Panzer III, TIGER I Mid 2010, Panzer iv, Sdkfz251, Famo ,Chech Hedgehog x2
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Mark Heaps
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Re: Muttley and tinys bridge

Post by Mark Heaps »

Is Phil D Phil Dawe ?

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Steve Lewington
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Re: Muttley and tinys bridge

Post by Steve Lewington »

Hi Mark
Yes it is mate.

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SdKfz 7 Half Track, 88mm Flak 36, Panzer III, TIGER I Mid 2010, Panzer iv, Sdkfz251, Famo ,Chech Hedgehog x2
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Steve Lewington
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Re: Muttley and tinys bridge

Post by Steve Lewington »

Hi guys
Well we got back into the workshop again today and have finished span two.
What I did find to make thing's easy was to fit the ribands loosely and slide the planking under this has made life so much easier on the build.
I also used a Liberal amount of copper slip on the fittings of the end posts to aid fitting and help prevent rust when the bridge is used outside..
I hope this is of help Garry when you start your build.
Next job to trim the planking for the ramps seal stain assemble and put every together.

Take care and keep safe

Steve and Tiny
Span two finished.
Span two finished.
Endpost copper slipped and ready to fit.
Endpost copper slipped and ready to fit.
Copper slip used.
Copper slip used.
Ready to fit.
Ready to fit.
Sliding the planking under the ribands.
Sliding the planking under the ribands.
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SdKfz 7 Half Track, 88mm Flak 36, Panzer III, TIGER I Mid 2010, Panzer iv, Sdkfz251, Famo ,Chech Hedgehog x2
Ammo limber, 25 pounder, Baily Bridge.

John Fitzsimons
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Re: Muttley and tinys bridge

Post by John Fitzsimons »

Looks great Steve. Looking forward to seeing some traffic on it.

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Re: Muttley and tinys bridge

Post by Gary Richardson »

Hi Steve and Tiny

Your bridge is looking great, I am following your build closely as I will be restarting my own build soon now the 17PDR dirtying up is almost done. Good idea to use copper ease. Like the ribands and the overall finish.
Tiny, I bet your glad your grandad is helping you with this :D ,top job.

2021 Late Tiger 1 Abteilung 301 (Funklenk), 2022 Churchill Mk3 AVRE, 2x Czech Hedgehogs, 2024 Triple span Bailey Bridge, M26 Pershing, 17 Pounder and Limber.

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Steve Lewington
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Re: Muttley and tinys bridge

Post by Steve Lewington »

Hi all
We got back into the workshop again today to finish the assembly of the ramps
So now all the pieces are made its time to fit everything together.
This we will do over the weekend as tomorrow I have a shopping trip into town no fun there then :(

Take care all and keep safe

Steve and Tiny
Just for interest this is how I made the planking.<br />I bought red wood strips cut and planned to size.<br />Then useing a rubber( a bit of old rag ) gave the planks a coat of cuprniol all round to seal the wood.<br />Once dry I coated all the planks with medium oak stain.<br />The stain I use is solvent based this gives everything the beep chestnut colour you see.<br />I hope this information is of use to some of you guys.
Just for interest this is how I made the planking.
I bought red wood strips cut and planned to size.
Then useing a rubber( a bit of old rag ) gave the planks a coat of cuprniol all round to seal the wood.
Once dry I coated all the planks with medium oak stain.
The stain I use is solvent based this gives everything the beep chestnut colour you see.
I hope this information is of use to some of you guys.
Both the ramps finished just  have to paint the silver nut bolts and washeres to tone them down
Both the ramps finished just have to paint the silver nut bolts and washeres to tone them down
Planking for the ramps sealed and stained
Planking for the ramps sealed and stained
Ribands fitted loosely ready for the planking to be fitted
Ribands fitted loosely ready for the planking to be fitted
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SdKfz 7 Half Track, 88mm Flak 36, Panzer III, TIGER I Mid 2010, Panzer iv, Sdkfz251, Famo ,Chech Hedgehog x2
Ammo limber, 25 pounder, Baily Bridge.

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Steve Lewington
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Re: Muttley and tinys bridge

Post by Steve Lewington »

Hi guys

Well at least the bridge is done.
Everything fits as is should the only thing to do new is to paint the fasteners although I may change these at a latter date for nuts and bolts.
I did make one big mistake right at the start and that was I should have orderd a 3 or 4 span that would have done this fantastic model even more justice.
Take care all and keep safe

Steve and Luke.
One happy little man after all his hard work
One happy little man after all his hard work
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SdKfz 7 Half Track, 88mm Flak 36, Panzer III, TIGER I Mid 2010, Panzer iv, Sdkfz251, Famo ,Chech Hedgehog x2
Ammo limber, 25 pounder, Baily Bridge.

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Charles A Stewart
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Re: Muttley and tinys bridge

Post by Charles A Stewart »

Hi Both.

Very nice build, but you should have gone 3 spans (maybe a 4th), as Tiny has appears to have outgrown a 2 span bridge. :? :-D :-D

Take care.

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Steve Lewington
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Re: Muttley and tinys bridge

Post by Steve Lewington »

Good morning Charles
Thank you for the lovely comment.
You never said a truer word the little fellow loved the build and prity much said the same lol.
He hust needs a quilt and he would happily use it as a bed he's some kid.
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SdKfz 7 Half Track, 88mm Flak 36, Panzer III, TIGER I Mid 2010, Panzer iv, Sdkfz251, Famo ,Chech Hedgehog x2
Ammo limber, 25 pounder, Baily Bridge.

John Fitzsimons
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Re: Muttley and tinys bridge

Post by John Fitzsimons »

Look great. Makes a great bed in the workshop. What's next?
Pity the extra spans are not available.

Well done both of you.

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Robert E Morey
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Re: Muttley and tinys bridge

Post by Robert E Morey »

Great looking bridge. Wonderful project with your son. I agree Bridges need to be longer!

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